Warning Signs from the Universe


What is love? It’s a vibration. It’s a feeling. A warm heart based feeling.



And do we think it’s an ingredient, a necessary ingredient in the cooking process? I say yes!

Vibrations. That’s being talked about quite a bit these days. Vibrations and intentions. Both are equally a way to know if you are on the right path, no matter what others may think and say.

And I really try not to listen to all that comes at me or comment. But….. I couldn’t let this one go.

I was reading an article called Warning Signs from the Universe that my daughter posted. It said the following are warnings:

  1. Stubbing your toe
  2. Getting stuck in traffic
  3. Receiving dirty looks or snide remarks from others
  4. Getting injured
  5. Unexpected expenses or bills in the mail
  6. Uneasy gut feelings
  7. Arguments with your loved ones
  8. Getting sick
  9. Headaches
  10. Losing or breaking your possessions
  11. Unpleasant odors, sounds or tastes

Well, let  me say this: If this is fact, then I am being warned continuously! lol

C’mon. How does hitting traffic at 4:30pm on a Friday have anything to do with a warning from the Universe? It’s more a warning from your brain to think before your act, and make plans to leave for Los Angeles during rush hour. You break something? Could be your place is too cluttered. Is that what the universe is telling you and what this article is trying to say? Probably not. Unpleasant odors, sounds or tastes. Did you have too much to drink last night? Is the universe trying to tell you to cut out alcohol? Receiving snide comments or looks from others. Isn’t that more about them than you? What they need to go through to get to a better level? Will the universe smack them around a little for being that way? Maybe by breaking their best glasses? lol

It’s these kind of hokey articles that make people think everything connected to the universe and vibrations is all foo foo. And that doesn’t help us get down to the spiritual level or a deeper connection with spirit, the universe, god or whatever we are calling it this week.

I do believe we get messages from the universe, or lets say your higher self, more in the form of something happening that makes us re-think a past and now ongoing circumstance, that re-occurs because we haven’t resolved the issue. That makes sense to me.

So does all that about the Universe tapping you, then hitting you, then whacking you if you don’t pay attention? That’s probably true, but we don’t know for sure. And it could be it is tied to your vibration as a human being and all you have to do is change that vibration and stop being aligned with things that are not good. Another possibility.

To that end, I know I have been in situations where I would really like to react and say what I am really thinking and feeling, but have to catch myself, get centered, and not take other people’s problems with handling themselves ……….. personally. And I will say that in deciding not to react, I do change my vibration from negative to either neutral or positive.

How does this relate to cooking?


It’s time for you to see cooking as a sacred process transferring a vibration of love to the food. (Of course this blog is not addressed to my friends running restaurants, since their cooking process is quick, quick, quick. But it still has to be mindful).

Back to you: The designing of the menu, the shopping, the prepping the food, pre-cooking what you can, the actual cooking, table setting, presentation of the plates, serving and clean up as one big joyful experience. This is how the Japanese approach Japanese Water Color…. and I am right on board with that. Your good vibrations, the amount of love you put into the process is always obvious and really makes a difference to everyone your are cooking for.

Main ingredient in every meal? Love. Now chew on that for a while! lol

Happy Eating,

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