Stomach bloating got you down? Solutions from the blog

Friend or Foe?
Friend or Foe?

There are only some people that experience stomach bloating. I never even thought about it, until I noticed it on someone close to me.

Being the blogger that I am, I immediately went on google to figure it out. At the same time? Dr. Oz did a program. So here’s a compilation of information, my opinions, and of course suggestions. But you know you’ve got to do your own research and check with your own doctor, right?


Al-righty then. Let’s start with what pisses me off the most. When you go online you see all these vegetables that cause bloating: mushrooms, celery, broccoli, etc.

But what they don’t say is what Dr. Oz says. If you incorporate them into your life regularly your body adjusts. WHEW! I don’t want anyone giving up their veggies!

We all know the beans, beans good for the heart, the more you eat the more you….

Well, did you know if you soak those beans you’ll have less gas?

But we’re really talking about serious bloating here. In the morning you’re stomach is almost flat and by mid afternoon it’s time to unbutton the pants?

And depending on who you are, here are some of the serious disruptors: cheese, apples, potato, corn, broccoli, and cabbage. But here are the two that really blows me away and I would never have thought of …… Smoking and artificial sweeteners. Did you know that?


Yeah. I mean, when you bloat you’ve got to look at everything. And the main thing you’ve got to figure out is what to do to improve your digestion, or digestive health.

Dr. Oz recommends 6 oz of Greek Yogurt, no sugar. He says if you need it sweeter? Add your own fruit. But why don’t you take yogurt and turn it into a savory dip? A dip for veggies? Very easy to find those recipes online and sounds like a great snack to me. Just don’t dip broccoli, apple and cabbage! lol

And what about preventative medicine? Like making sure you’re eating things high in potassium like bananas, pineapple and beets?  And drinking a ton of water to flush things out of your system?

In my research I’ve finally found a good reason to eat peas (always heard they’re a starch and should avoid ’em like the plague). But they’re high in fiber and that along with brown rice, whole wheat pasta and raspberries will all move food through your system.

From all I’ve read, it seems like it’s more about the undigestible food left behind. Dr. Oz recommends the yogurt and it’s probiotic properties to help with that. I actually take probiotics, in a pill form. You have to find what’s right for you. But I find adding probiotics to my vitamin regime helps me digest food.

One more, actually two more instant cures for bloating and gas from Doctor Oz? Lay on your back, raise your right knee to your chest, wiggle it around. You’ll clear the room out in moments! lol Repeat with your left leg.

The second exercise he recommends is to sit upright on your knees and let your body fall forward between them. That opens everything up and allows gas to pass.

If you don’t have these problems? There’s a good chance you may know someone with these problems, if not now, in the future.

I believe it’s good to arm yourself with knowledge, especially when there are natural solutions involved!

Happy Eating,

Chef Marian