Shocking News about the French and Milk

Now, my friend Michael is someone who is constantly experimenting with wine and came across some Shocking News about the French and Milk. Now I haven’t dug further, so I can’t say for sure….. but when I am told something from a reliable source who is big on the cutting edge of wine…. I feel comfortable enough to share it with you.

Here’s what he has to say: “The French are considering replacing milk in school lunches with watered down high tannin, high resveratrol red wine! The idea is to give the kids as much resveratrol as possible while limiting the alcohol. And that this is far healthier than milk.

The French consume 5 times the fat Americans do, but have 70 percent less heart attacks. it is believed that the 2 most important contributing factors to this longevity are predigested dairy products such as exotic cheeses and rich red wines”.

Well, apparently we do agree with the French on this one. Not to say we are taking it that far, or considering serving watered down wine to our kids, but according to an article in The New York Times – (written back in 2006), due to obesity in children….. “New York City — the nation’s largest school district — has decided to cut whole milk from the menu”.

You may recall that it was in the days of Harry Truman, that feeding kids a half a pint a day of whole milk was signed into law as a ‘dietary rule’. Well, the times they are a ‘changin’!

I always talk about how things like cheese and milk are not our grandma’s milk. We are no longer getting the milk man delivering fresh milk to our door. Truth be known, our bodies are not processing cheese and milk products these days due to all the processing that happens. Just like chemicals are blocking us from good digestion, we can put milk and the cheese we have in America right into that category.

Now, New York Schools are still serving 1% milk, because for them the jury is still out about milk. I will mention this: Remember the years when the ads said “Milk… it does a body good”? Notice they no longer run? That campaign was forced off the air because it just isn’t true that milk is good for your body.

creamI know it’s hard to break a habit, especially if there is chocolate pudding involved. lol But we all have to start thinking about using alternatives. I’ve been using Coconut milk and Coconut Creamer for richer desserts.

I’m just asking that you consider taking baby steps because as I always say: Food is your best medicine. Others have said “you are what you eat” and I’m sure you won’t argue with me about that one!

I switched recently to goats milk which does process better than cow’s milk, and helps reduce cow emissions, (if you know what I mean) because I am contributing to less cows on the planet. (Turns out cows ’emissions’ are 3 times more damaging than car emissions to the ozone). But I also will say I rarely drink milk of any kind unless it’s almond or coconut. There’s really no need to.

Please do what’s right for you…. but just consider the alternatives. And in case you are worried about getting enough calcium without milk, please read this post written by someone at UC Davis!

Happy Eating,
