Hot Topic Sizzle: Paper, Plastic or Nothing?

Paper, Plastic or your own Basket?
Paper, Plastic or your own Basket?

Here’s your latest Hot Topic Sizzle. Are you using Paper, Plastic or Nothing at the Market?


Really? I’ll bet there are some people also using plastic because they can line their small garbages and recycle that bag, am I right?


So, the Hot Topic Sizzle is set by a recent article in the Chicago Tribune that talks about plastic bags being banned in larger Chicago area Markets.

The Evanston City Council has approved an ordinance prohibiting stores larger than 10,000 square feet from supplying disposal plastic shopping bags to shoppers.

A list of those stores can be found at 

“In approving the ordinance City Council members emphasized ……. promoting responsible waste reduction and recycling efforts”, according to the a post on the city’s website……… working with stores…… which include Jewel-Osco, Aldi, Barnes & Noble and Best Buy…”

Well, isn’t that what we do here in California? Haven’t we been shamed into bringing our own bags to Jimbo’s so that we can get a wooden nickel and contribute that to charity?

(I don’t know about you but I feel terribly guilty when I forget my own bags)! lol

And I know we’re on the ‘cutting edge” here in California, spearheading many great ideas for our world. 

But I’m wondering…… who else? What other cities outside of San Diego are following this lead? There’s a great article on the web from The Earth Policy Institute that says: “Los Angeles rang in the 2014 New Year with a ban on ….. plastic bags at the checkout of big retailers… making it the largest of the 132 cities in the United States with anti-plastic bag legislation.

Aaah. Ok. 132 cities. Not a lot of cities, but more than a handful.

Wonder why the big whoop? “Currently 100 billion plastic bags pass through the hands of U.S. consumers every year…. with New York and Chicago specifically looking for ways to reduce the litter (roadside) …. and clogs up sewers and drains”.

So that’s what people are talking about! Bringing your own bags. Never mind that we cut down less trees when we create less paper bags…. All this change is a very good thing, back to where we came from. Everything old is new again!

Happy Eating,

Chef Marian