Healthy Food in review before tomorrows blog about champagne!

Ok. Here are some Healthy Food in review before tomorrows blog about champagne! It may change what you serve to guests New Years Eve… and if that’s the case? I’ve done my job.

Dr Andrew Weil
Dr Andrew Weil

My most favorite ‘rock star’ in this industry is Dr. Andrew Weil. He’s got some great information that is clear and concise and makes sense of what everyone else is telling us.

This year, I’ve been giving you info out of his Guide to Healthy Eating, which is a really expensive magazine… but I think it’s worth the info inside.

Inflammation is something I like to talk about… and if we realize that your poor diet, lack of exercise and stress management, are major contributing factors to aging badly and keeping yourself disease free because of the key word, inflammation? Then that’s what we really should be looking at.

Here’s some cool end of the year Tips from Chef Marian and Dr. Andrew Weil:

Eat ….

  • Mono-unsaturated fat like extra virgin olive oil
  • Omega-3 fatty acides found in cold water fish, flax seeds, walnuts, hemp seeds, fortified eggs
  • Fruits and veggies and eat  a variety of colors
  • Organic – buy the best and if you pick an organic farm and a CSA Box each week? It’s way less money ~ Studies show that even organic ketchup is better because it contains 50% more lycopene than non organic products that are similar
  • Organic butter in small amounts or switch to coconut spread
  • The best nuts that include almonds, cashews, walnuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts and butters made from them, because they’re a great source o f monounsaturated fat, as well as protein
  • Plant based protein like quinoa
  • Berries, Cherries, Citrus and Pineapple – they all help with easing inflammation
  • Asian Mushrooms ~ mostly recently started showing up more and more including enoki, lion’s mane, maitake, porcini and our old favorite shitake because of their anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Dried mushrooms ~ they retain all the nutrients of their fresh counterparts, and you get to use the water you soak ’em in, for added flavor to quinoa
  • If you must eat dairy (and some recent studies show this) eat low or no fat and go with organic
  • Eggs ~ not 2 or 3, but one a day, organic from free range chickens is a good source of protein
  • more Basil, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Garlic, Ginger, Thyme, Turmeric and other anti inflammatory healing spices
  • Maple syrup ~ lower in fructose than honey and agave both ~ but remember, no Aunt Jemima ~ use real maple syrup

Limit or Don’t Eat ….

  • Flour and sugar, because it spikes your blood sugar, and creates inflammation
  • Animal products ~ They’re high in unhealthy saturated fat and people slim down fast when they give up animal protein
  • Omega 6 fats found in sunflower, safflower, corn and soy oils as well as foods made from them
  • Carrageenan – a cheap thickening agent, derived from a type of red seaweed called Irish moss ~ (read your labels please)
  • Remember that processed soy products aren’t any better than processed food
  • Saturated fats found in butter, whole milk, cheese from whole milk, the skin of poultry and coconut oil
  • Trans fats found in margarine, baked goods, junk food and processed packaged goods
  • Agave ~ because contrary to its’ good press it’s high in fructose and that means it’s toxic
  • Honey – limit (I wouldn’t say cut out, because it has benefits for sure) because it’s also high in fructose

Speaking of trans fats… did you know that peanuts are legumes, not nuts? And they’re high in trans fats? People always ask me why can’t I eat peanuts? There’s your answer. They’re not good for you!

And why not table sugar? Table sugar is half fructose. The body cannot digest fructose and it’s toxic to the liver. Think of that as you put two heaping teaspoons into your morning coffee! lol

And what to cook with? Well you know teflon is out. So is aluminum and copper because it can leach into your food. Cast iron is the best, ceramic is good (think Le Creuset), and stainless steel works well too.

As always ~ read your lables. We all say NO! to GMO (genetically modified food for a longer shelf life). The latest and greatest? Look for ‘Treated with Irradiation”, because there aren’t enough studies out yet to know if that’s going to have long term effects. The best way to eat? Support your local Farmers Markets and Farmers!

Now if you think it’s cool that I assembled all this great info in one blog? Re-post it! Share the wealth of information as we go into the New Year! And don’t forget! Tomorrow is all about the bubbly!

Happy Eating,

Chef Marian