Has the Flu got you?

questionSo my question for you today is: Has the Flu got you? The reason I ask this is because it certainly has me. I’ve been in bed, on and off for 4 weeks now. To give you an idea of how long it’s been for me, I’ll tell you this short story.

4 weeks ago, I was 80% vegan. So 80% of the time I ate no animals including milk, cheese, etc. This gave me what I thought, room to have a pizza now and again, and free time off when I go to restaurants. I figured if most of the time, especially at home, I was vegan, I was good to go.

So when I first got sick, I was making food my medicine with some good chicken soup. Within days, I had a complete change of heart and went totally vegan. So now it was time to gather all the veggies, pan sauté them and have a lovely vegetable soup instead. And I will say that over the last 4 weeks, I haven’t eaten a whole lot and have taken off a few pounds (maybe a dress size). This is all very welcome and good, but I realized I need to boost my immune system. Now mind you, this comes after taking probiotics (pill form), drinking probiotics (kombucha) and adding a tons of spices like turmeric to ease inflammation. 

Which brings me to today’s blog. I woke up today and remembered that recently I saw some red ginseng on sale and grabbed it. And just today I did more homework. Now I know many people question some of Dr. Mercola‘s ideas, but I do find him to be a wealth of facts. Here’s what he has to say:chinese-red-ginseng

“Cold and flu: Like American ginseng, Asian ginseng appears to stimulate the immune system. In one study, those who took 400 mg of Asian ginseng daily for four months had fewer colds, and those they did come down with were shorter in duration”.

Now I still have this cough that keeps me up at night (yes, I’ve tried expectorants, nighttime liquids, cough reducing medicine like elderberry and lozenges  etc). So here I sit, mixing a batch of red ginseng tea that was so bitter that I had to use a sweetener with it, just to get it down. This my friend, is the next step to wellness for me. 

Keep your fingers crossed. If this is what it says it is, I should be back in full working order by next Monday!  Please let me know if there is anything you’ve found that works with this current flu!

Happy Healthy Eating,

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