Passover Food

Passover Food…. and memories of days gone past. Old really old (and they were only in their 50’s) unhealthy grandparents, who used chicken fat instead of a better oil, who used big wide egg noodles laced with sugar, sugar and more sugar…..eggs, etc. and they called it Kugel or Noodle Pudding. Well, yeeeeaaaah. Milk, eggs, sugar. … Read more

As the Holidays Approach…… What about ‘prep’ work? From Chef Marian

As the holidays approach, first Passover then Easter…. our fridge begins to fill days before. But what we should be doing is pre-cooking and ‘prepping’ our meals 4-5 days in advance. HOW CAN YOU DO THAT CHEF MARIAN? Well, it’s very simple. You use a Foodsaver to suck the air out, keeping it fresh until … Read more

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! And thank you Google Dancers!

Well, Google’s St. Patrick’s Day dancers are doing their jig, (how cute is that?) and my friend took bites out of St. Patrick’s Day Cookies, left at her young son’s place setting at the table, plus took puzzle pieces and dribbled them out of his room into the kitchen (mischief of the leprechauns, no doubt). … Read more

Chef Marian reviews Gordon Ramsay’s Xmas Cookalong

I just finished watching Gordon Ramsay’s Xmas Cookalong (that’s Gordon Ramsay, Hell’s Kitchen Gordon Ramsay, fabulous Claridges in London Ramsay, Boxwood Cafe Ramsay, etc,). I have a couple of things to say about our man ‘Ramsay’ and then I will move on to critiquing the show and will give you the top three hints from … Read more

Hydrogenated, High Fructose anything? I’m naming names…..

Hey Folks! We’re still in the holiday season…. still cooking holiday food. And the hydrogenated, high fructose crap is still on store shelves. These are things you might not even know are genetically modified or containing chemicals and other things our body can’t process. It’s easy to watch out for them…. if you know! Sooooo……This … Read more

Vegan Green Bean Casserole

What items do we substitute to turn that traditional Green Bean Casserole into a Vegan Green Bean Casserole? I say the key is: LOVE. But ingredient wise, I think the two most important items are Arrowroot and Coconut Creamer. These are great vegan substitutes to thicken up and make YUM the liquid that creates a … Read more

Survived a Vegan Thanksgiving…. lol

I’m so proud of myself…. I survived a Vegan Thanksgiving! lol  Awww… it wasn’t that bad. Ya know, I didn’t mind creating an ALL VEGAN Thanksgiving just for the experience of it. I think the best part of Thanksgiving are the wegetables (say it with me: wedge a tab bulls), anyway….. And for those of … Read more

A Vegan Thanksgiving and the healthy non vegan Pumpkin Pie is also easy!

Remember I told you that my daughter has a Vegan boyfriend? Well, can you guess where I’m cooking this Thanksgiving and what? A Vegan Thanksgiving…. but don’t run away. I’m talking about more than just veggies here…. cause my Pumpkin Pie is the bomb! (And so are my goat cheese stuffed mini peppers). Yep. Like … Read more