An Anti-Inflammatory Diet…. and the difference between Omega 3 and Omega 6

Today’s topic? Dr. Andrew Weil ~ and his Anti-Inflammatory Diet. Is he a cutie, patootie? Or what? A man who values his health? Someone smart and seems to be full of joy? Where are men like him hiding? I’m just sayin’….. Anyway, I have been reading his books for years. The Huffington Post calls him: … Read more

Chef Marian Cooking Class on a Saturday night!

Is this not a gorgeous group of people? And I want to say both inside and out! These people are pretty terrific and I had a wonderful Saturday night! Don’t you have people you owe dinner invitations to? You can do better than just ‘picking up the check’! That my friends, is a Chef Marian … Read more

Hydrogenated, High Fructose anything? I’m naming names…..

Hey Folks! We’re still in the holiday season…. still cooking holiday food. And the hydrogenated, high fructose crap is still on store shelves. These are things you might not even know are genetically modified or containing chemicals and other things our body can’t process. It’s easy to watch out for them…. if you know! Sooooo……This … Read more

December is the best month for Soup!

Wouldn’t you say that December is the month for Soup? It’s really satisfying. For those of us who are trying on the ‘gluten free’ deal, we are now backing away from those broths. Natural Flavors….. another fine name for gluten. Yes? Well here are some soup ideas….. you can always create your own broth and run … Read more

Vegan Green Bean Casserole

What items do we substitute to turn that traditional Green Bean Casserole into a Vegan Green Bean Casserole? I say the key is: LOVE. But ingredient wise, I think the two most important items are Arrowroot and Coconut Creamer. These are great vegan substitutes to thicken up and make YUM the liquid that creates a … Read more

A Vegan Thanksgiving and the healthy non vegan Pumpkin Pie is also easy!

Remember I told you that my daughter has a Vegan boyfriend? Well, can you guess where I’m cooking this Thanksgiving and what? A Vegan Thanksgiving…. but don’t run away. I’m talking about more than just veggies here…. cause my Pumpkin Pie is the bomb! (And so are my goat cheese stuffed mini peppers). Yep. Like … Read more